Based on the expressed interest in participation on the PARIPRE intervention study from nine Eastern Slovakia football clubs, the coordinators of PARIPRE intervention study in Slovakia from Faculty of Sports, University of Prešov, Slovakia, prepared in cooperation with Mari Leppänen from Tampere Research Center of Sports Medicine, UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland the Neuromuscular training workshop. The workshop was implemented for 8 youth football trainers from 5 clubs which were randomly selected in to the experimental intervention group. At the beginning, Dr. Peter Bakalár presented the PARIPRE project following by Neuromuscular training presentation by Dr. Marek Kokinda, associate professor and expert in exercise physiology from Faculty of Sports, University of Prešov. This was followed by presentation of PARIPRE intervention testing battery. The workshop was attended by medical doctors from Šport-atro centrum Nemocnice AGEL Košice Šaca (Sport-artro Centre of the Hospital AGEL Košice Šaca) which holds the FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence Certificate. The Nemocnica AGEL Košice Šaca became partner of the PARIPRE project during its realisation.